Taming my blood sugar

IMG_1675Since my last post a few weeks ago where I discussed my high blood sugar test results I have managed to get things under control rather quickly.   The amazing this was that all it really took was some chromium, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar (ACV).   I haven’t been testing daily but have tested 5 times since getting my meter and each time I’ve been normal and, in fact, have dropped down into the 80’s for the first time since before SIBO.   I even carb’ed out yesterday and tested this morning at 98 so high normal but still normal and lower than all my tests since SIBO which were pegged at 99.   Along with the normal glucose readings I’ve been steadily gaining weight again.   When I went to see my doctor last month I was down to 151, yesterday I was at 157 and I’ve been steadily rising these last two weeks.   My body fat percentage has also risen from 11.5% up to 13%.

So, what is my routine now?  I have moved towards pushing my carbs out later in the day so for breakfast I eat pretty low carb – eggs with some greens, avocado, maybe sausage or bacon,  and a coconut milk latte with cinnamon mixed in.  For lunch I’ll have maybe some carbs but much of the time salad and some leftover meats or fish and always put 1t ACV in my salad dressing.   At dinner I load it on though and Im trying to do short duration but heavy weight work before dinner as recommended by Ben Greenfield.   There I’ll have my sweet potatoes and other carb-heavy foods like the occasional rice.  I’ll almost always have a salad with more ACV for dressing.    I’ll supplement with chromium and cinnamon before dinner.  This has worked even with having a dessert almost every night to try and pack in more calories.    Of course I’ve also stopped running for the time being to try and keep the weight on, I think if I went back to running I may not be gaining as quickly or might revert to dropping pounds again.

My theory – my insulin receptors weren’t activating properly so glucose wasn’t being shoved off into muscle or fat allowing it to be too free in the bloodstream.  The supplements have woken up these receptors and things are working better again.  The idea behind the pre-dinner workout is to have the body push those carbs into muscle building instead of fat cells so I’m hoping that I’m building more muscle mass in the process.   Hopefully this is all behind me and I can get back up to the 160’s in the next couple of weeks.

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