Blood on my mala

YIMG_4434ears ago I took the Buddhist precepts with the Kwan Um School of Zen and the first precept was pretty clear –

I vow to abstain from taking life.

The commentary on this precept states that:

Killing roots out our seeds of love and mercy.  To kill another is to feast on one’s  friends and relatives.  Some day we shall be in one of the three painful realms in payment for our killing, for it is by bestowing life that we receive human life in return.

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Adventures in acupuncture and real food

NeedlesBellyIt has been two months since I started seeing Dr. Bowen at Bothell Natural Health and got serious about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, SCD.   I was on pretty much a ground meat and baby food diet for over a month but finally in the last few weeks have graduated to somewhere between Phase 2 and 3 of SCD and am eating quite a bit more food and actual real meals.  Is it all SCD or is it also acupuncture?

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How running long distance has helped me cope with illness

road-idHard to believe that only a few years ago I was running trail marathons in sandals and even ran a 50k ultra marathon.   Last year I was out of running much of the year due to a hamstring tear and just when that began healing and I was able to start ramping up mileage again I came down with SIBO and hit a downward spiral of health issues stemming from my gut problems.  Now I’m totally sidelined from running, or much activity at all, since I’ve lost over 20 lbs and am still dealing with malabsorption issues.

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