First buck

img_2462A few days ago I shot my first buck and must admit I had very mixed emotions about the experience which for me really began several years ago.   When I got diagnosed with SIBO and had to switch from a vegan/vegetarian to Paleo diet I made the decision to fully embrace the Paleo lifestyle and in March of 2015 part of that became taking up hunting again.   It all started when I re-read The Paleo Manifesto and the chapter where John Durant decides to go deer hunting to supply his own food.  I grew up hunting in Iowa and had indeed supplied my own food before so I knew I could do it.   But, I grew up hunting birds, rabbits and squirrels and while Dad had gone deer hunting I had never been along.   After my first bird hunt in 30+ years I began looking into big game hunting since the amount of freezer stocked is way higher than with small game.   Within a month I had read several books on deer hunting and was contemplating hunting deer.

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