Day 13 – Mt. Teneriffe from Tanner Landing

Mt. Teneriffe from Tanner Landing

Mt. Teneriffe from Tanner Landing

A view from one of my many fishing trips to Tanner Landing this fall.   The big open field in the park is great, from it you can look south to Rattlesnake Mountain (Fall at Tanner Landing from Day 8), directly north to Mt. Si, northeast to Mt. Teneriffe and straight east to all the mountains up Snoqualmie Pass.

This one was done with acrylic which I’ll probably be using from here on out to be sure that things dry in time.  I had actually started a different piece for today but quickly ran into problems with it so decided to go back to a new painting and let that one sit a bit before finishing it up.  First day I’ve had to just change gears but it was the right decision.

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