Day 6 – Fog at the Narrows

Fog at the Narrows

Fog at the Narrows

Seattle has been stuck in a fog bank for the last few days and it brought back a morning last month when a group of fly fishers led by Leland Miyawaki headed to Narrows Park to fish for coho.  We arrived to find a thick fog covering Puget Sound, visibility was about 50′ at best.  I got this shot heading north from the park to a spot where I usually have good luck in the winter with resident fish.  Believe it or not, the Tacoma Narrows bridge is just out there past the last tree but was totally hidden in the fog.  It was a fun morning out on the beach, I had one grab but I don’t think anyone actually caught a fish.

This was another oil painting using a very small palette – lots of titanium white, sap green, alizaran crimson, ultramarine blue, burnt umber and a touch of raw sienna for the sand.  I covered the canvas with a layer of ‘fog’ using white, green & crimson.  Then I worked up the darker colors on the shore from there.

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