Day 9 – Evan’s Creek

Evan's Creek

Evan’s Creek

Evan’s Creek Preserve is the closest place to our house that has trails for a quick walk or run so we go there frequently and do at least the two mile loop.  On Wednesday afternoon the sun broke out so we headed out for a walk.  The orchard area was on fire with color and I decided that I had to paint this tree.

Again used oils for this one.  Pretty happy with everything except the central red tree. It is just hard to get the brightness of the tree correct and I ended up using pure cad red for the highlights which didn’t quite work.  Adding white turned it into a nasty pink and yellow got it too orange so I tried to darken up the darks with a mix of alizarin crimson and burnt umber and used a glaze of alizarin over the cad red highlights to try and get the more scarlet color back.

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