A different kind of cocktail hour

IMG_4615A few months ago my SIBO induced malabsorption issues were starting to cause vitamin deficiencies that were severe enough that I was getting symptoms.   I did some B12 injections but that wasn’t making a difference so my ND suggested I go in for a Meyer’s Cocktail.  I’d never heard of this before so did some searching on the internet.  Definitely not a mix of vodka and Meyer’s lemons, instead it is an IV injection of a mixture of vitamins and minerals, in my case heavy on the Bs,  C, Magnesium and some other good stuff.

The first time I went in for one I was pretty freaked out by the size of the needle but after relaxing I was able to handle it.  This was my 3rd injection today and it was a piece of cake, I was taking photos during the process.   It takes about 20 minutes to push in the whole syringe full of vitamins into the veins and as soon as a small bit hits the blood you can taste the B’s in your throat, it is an odd sensation.

Do they work?  I think for me they do.   I tend to have a vitamin high for about 5 days and my energy levels are up after each one.  The numbness in my toes goes down every time I get one, I notice a difference almost from between the time I walk in the door and walk back out.  I think I look a lot less sick too now that I’ve been doing these, my whole being just feels more nourished.   I plan to keep these up until I start fully absorbing the vitamins and minerals from my food, going in every 2 weeks.    More strength, more life!

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