More tests back, some good news

While my recent still positive SIBO test would have been considered negative until this last year it was still pretty good news that my levels were at the lowest they’d been in the whole time I’ve been dealing with this.   Today I got back my Diagnos-Tech panel and my blood work and it was actually all pretty good news from it too.

I was expecting my Adrenal Stress Index curve to be upside down given the issues I’d been having with sleep but instead it was a pretty normal looking curve, just a bit high in the morning and a bit low in the afternoon.   The elevated morning level is associated with insomnia or nocturnal hypoglycemia, that fits though I was eating before bed to try and stop the hypoglycemia side of it.   Regardless, my sleep has gotten a bit better in the last week.  I don’t know if it is having the windows open at night, kind of re-booting in Portland or the 200mg of Zen I’m taking at night now.  I just know that last night I got the best night of sleep I’ve had in months and I hope things stay that way.

On the Food Intolerance panel it looks like my severe reactions have all dropped a lot.  Last year I showed a high casein intolerance, iffy on eggs and an off the charts value for gluten intolerance.  Now my casein is negative, my egg is negative and my gluten in only a 3 instead of a 47, also negative.  Not that I want anything to do with gluten again but it explains how I probably ate a bit of gluten at Departure and didn’t suffer for it.   I’m staying on the AIP diet regardless, it works for me and I’m not about to mess with that.

On the parasite front I again showed E.histolica though the Genova DNA test did not detect this.  The Diagnos-Tech test doesn’t check blasto so I have no idea if I still have that or not.  I see another DNA stool test in my near future.  Regardless, no need to try and cure the amoeba at this point if I do have it, I’m not going to take antibiotics for something that isn’t presenting symptoms.

My blood work showed high cholesterol, not a huge surprise there given my diet but my doctor isn’t too concerned given recent findings about cholesterol and heart diseases.  My HDL was a bit low for the level of LDL there and I had mostly big LDL particles which is better than small ones.  On the little chart showing cardiac risk I was only moderate on one of the parameters, all the rest were low risk.  It isn’t like I’m going to take statin drugs anyway so not much to do except monitor to make sure I don’t end up in the high risk side of things.   Also no risk of insulin resistance.   My metabolic markers were all pretty good aside from one high liver marker which was just outside the normal range on the high side, we’ll retest that one in a few months.  My B-6 is finally normal and in the middle of the range instead of being high so no more worries about B-6 toxicity.   Thyroid was also totally normal.   With nothing blatant showing in my metabolic processing it could be that my inability to gain weight is still due to a compromised gut and that I just need more time to let it heal.  I’ve added in Endozin, a mix of Zinc Carnosine and l-Glutamine to try and help that process out a bit.

Final outcome was similar to the appointment on Monday – keep up the AIP diet to keep the SIBO down,  add in some more fermented foods to try and balance the gut out better, and work on motility and my ileocecal valve.   I’m going to go in for weekly ICV adjustments for a while to see if we can get that thing working properly and not being lazy and allowing bacteria to head upstream.    Next week I finish my temperature charting, I run cold, send in my Organix Acid test and get my MRI, maybe I’ll get some more good news.

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