New treatment plan

allicinI had a meeting with Dr. Melanie Keller at the SIBO Center yesterday and then met with my doctor here today to go over a new treatment plan that I’m hoping will get those numbers back down.   I evidently made the right move in changing over my herbal treatment a few days ago but Dr. Keller told me to double down on it so my new dosage is:

  • 2 caps/3x day AlliMed
  • 2 caps/3x day Neem Plus

This is a lot of garlic in the system and I think my body is going to take a few days to get used to it.  I was doing 1 for a week, 2 for 3 weeks, 3 for a week and now 6 each day.   A single AlliMed is something like a few dozen heads of garlic worth converted into Allicin, the active ingredient.  The Allicin which is an antibiotic and anti fungal, it should be killing stuff in there for sure.  The Neem Plus has antibiotic and antiviral properties plus helps heal the intestinal lining so it is perfect.  This protocol has been shown to reduce methane by 40-50ppm in 20-30 days.  I’m in that range so, in theory, this could knock it out in a month but your mileage may vary. I’m doing 30 days for sure just to be safe.  I’ll probably retest the last week of July and see where I’m at and make a decision then as to how to proceed.   I’m kind of expecting to have to do this for more than a month given my history but we’ll see.

On top of this I’m going to add a motility agent, MotilPro, to try and get things moving a bit faster, grease up the works if you will.   Once the herbals have done their job I’ll add in a prescription motility agent, Resolor, in the evening but just a tiny amount.   I may need to be on some motility agent for the rest of my life to keep a relapse from occurring since I’ve relapsed already and have a history with some food poisoning and traveler’s diarrhea from my travels in Mexico and Central America.

The last piece of the puzzle may be increasing my stomach acid.  I’m going to try some Betaine HCL and see if I need it or not.  Years of vegetarianism have probably left me with not quite enough stomach acid to really dissolve up this meat I’m eating.   Since my baseline methane levels were so high this could be an indication that I need more stomach acid.  I’ll get on that one tomorrow.

For now it is just sit back, take a lot of pills and hope that this works.  Won’t know for another month or so for sure.

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