Saying goodbye to my FitBit

Last year I bought a FitBit Flex to track myself closely.  At the time instead of trying to get in shape and do my 10,000 steps per day I was actually trying to rest as much as possible and push in as many calories as I could to stop the weight loss so I was using it as an Un-FitBit.  At the time I was trying to stay at less than 2 miles per day of total movement, tracking every calorie I put in, tracking weight, my sleep, symptoms, and journalling most days about how bad I felt.    In December I finally stopped tracking food figuring I had a pretty good idea when I was getting enough calories.  A few months ago I stopped paying attention to steps since I started running again and use my Ambit again for runs and rides now.  Lately I found all I was looking at was sleep and now I pretty much know my sleep habits and tend to get enough sleep most nights even if I do have an hour of being awake in the middle of the night at some point, I’m OK with that.

So today I exported what data I care about and took off the FitBit.  Will I buy another health tracker?  For now I doubt it.  The Apple Watch is just not as good as the Ambit for running and would just mean one more thing beeping at me.  The new FitBit Charge and Charge HR are nice but do I really care about my heart rate all day long?  Like Bill Maher said this week, I’ll care about it when my heart is pounding out of my chest.  I can wear my heart monitor with the Ambit when I really want to know but even then I find I don’t really want to know when running trails.   The FitBit is finding a new home with Cadence, it may give her some incentive to move around a bit more.

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