Getting off the MS roller coaster, cholestorol and other health stuff

Over the last four years I’ve been up and down on whether or not I had developed MS.  Back in 2014 when my feet got tingly and went numb we suspected MS but then it turned out to probably be antibiotic induced peripheral neuropathy.  In 2015 when we ran an extensive autoimmune panel and found I had myelin antibodies plus some new weird neurological symptoms we went back and did an MRI and, no sign of MS.  I thought I’d put it to rest when in 2017 I started getting burning pain in my lower left leg.  At first it was sporadic and chiropractic seemed to help so I thought it was structural.   By the start of 2018 the pain was daily and interfering more with life.  My ND at the time thought it was compression related so back to running an MRI to see what was going on with my discs.

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More fun with Cholesterol

Back in 2015 after being on a Paleo diet for a little over a year my cholesterol was up but I wasn’t too concerned about it at the time.   I kept on Paleo and even went hard-core Wahls Paleo Plus/Keto for a while last fall.  In 2016 my cholesterol numbers were again high but my doctor wasn’t concerned, same thing in early 2018.  Each time my values were up but ratios looked good, no inflammatory markers and I was showing low risk of cardiovascular disease on the NMR profile.  Then in the late fall I started having some weird symptoms and went in for blood work.  What came back cholesterol wise wasn’t too much of a surprise in the standard lipid panel but it was the new advanced markers that were a bit scarier.

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