Getting off the MS roller coaster, cholestorol and other health stuff

Over the last four years I’ve been up and down on whether or not I had developed MS.  Back in 2014 when my feet got tingly and went numb we suspected MS but then it turned out to probably be antibiotic induced peripheral neuropathy.  In 2015 when we ran an extensive autoimmune panel and found I had myelin antibodies plus some new weird neurological symptoms we went back and did an MRI and, no sign of MS.  I thought I’d put it to rest when in 2017 I started getting burning pain in my lower left leg.  At first it was sporadic and chiropractic seemed to help so I thought it was structural.   By the start of 2018 the pain was daily and interfering more with life.  My ND at the time thought it was compression related so back to running an MRI to see what was going on with my discs.

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MS rears its ugly head again

Back in 2014 when I was dealing with SIBO and my feet started going numb we were a bit worried about MS and my doctor sent me off to a neurologist to see what was going on.   At that time it turned out I had neuropathy probably caused by the antibiotics.   In 2015 we found I had myelin antibodies from the autoimmune panel from Cyrex and so I had to go in for another neurological check and an MRI.  That MRI came back clean in the spring of 2015 and so I sort of figured I was out of the woods on this one.

Fast forward to last fall.  I started having frequent burning sensations in the front of my left leg and assumed it was due to the bad discs in my neck which were found in the MRI.  I went to a chiro and did my usual routine on the discs but the burning pain didn’t really go away and slowly got more frequent to where it was a daily occurrence.  My new naturopath looked at my MRI and thought I had not only bad discs but also a thickening of the ligament that runs along the spinal cord.  So, back to the neurologist for me with hopes that this was a structural issue that could be handled by surgery.

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